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Dashboard Schema


PWDM - ProjectWise Deliverables Management

PWDI - ProjectWise Design Integration

PWDM Submittal Deliverable Document Status Filters

Table represents submittal document status filters. Can be used in slicers to filter other table entries.

Acceptance Status - Represents the current status of the submittal document (for example: "Accepted", "Issued 1st time (response pending)", "Resubmission pending")

PWDM Transmittal Deliverable Document Status Filters

Table represents transmittal document status filters. Can be used in slicers to filter other table entries.

Acceptance Status - Represents the current status of the transmittal document (for example: "Accepted", "Issued 1st time (response pending)", "Resubmission pending")

PWDM Submittal Deliverable Documents

Table represents submittal documents, aggregated by document code/number. There is one document for one code/number.

Acceptance Status - Represents the current status of the document (for example: "Accepted", "Issued 1st time (response pending)", "Returned to fix")

Classification by Due Date - Represents a class of pending task dispersion from target date (for example: "Overdue > 5wk", "Due < 3wk")

Document Code/Number - Represents a value of unique document identifier that stays the same in all issued versions of the same document

Document Count - Represents a constant value of 1 per document. May be used to sum the document count

Number of Rejects - Represents a number of rejects on a document

Pending Task - Represents a pending task for a document (for example: "Wait for 1st issue responses", "Wait for fixed issue responses", "Fix and Reissue")

Weeks till Accepted - Represents a number of weeks that passed from the first document issue until acceptance

PWDM Transmittal Deliverable Documents

Table represents transmittal documents, aggregated by document code/number. There is one document for one code/number.

Acceptance Status - Represents the current status of the document (for example: "Accepted", "Issued 1st time (response pending)", "Returned to fix")

Classification by Due Date - Represents a class of pending task dispersion from target date (for example: "Overdue > 5wk", "Due < 3wk")

Document Code/Number - Represents a value of unique document identifier that stays the same in all issued versions of the same document

Document Count - Represents a constant value of 1 per document. May be used to sum the document count

Number of Rejects - Represents a number of rejects on a document

Pending Task - Represents a pending task for a document (for example: "Wait for 1st issue responses", "Wait for fixed issue responses", "Fix and Reissue")

Weeks till Accepted - Represents a number of weeks that passed from the first document issue until acceptance

PWDM Submittal Distribution Filters

Table represents submittal distribution filters. When a sent document falls into several distributions, selecting any of them will count document in.

Classification - Represents a PWDM deliverable classification

Issue Purpose - Represents the purpose for which package was issued (for example: "For Approval", "For Reply", "For Information")

Receiver Organization Name - Represents the name of the organization which was receiving the packages

Receiver User Email - Represents the email address of the user who was receiving the packages

Sender Organization Name - Represents the name of the organization which was sending the packages

Sender User Email - Represents the email address of the user who was sending the packages

PWDM Transmittal Distribution Filters

Table represents transmittal distribution filters. Only includes issued packages and does not include drafts. When a sent document falls into several distributions, selecting any of them will count document in.

Classification - Represents a PWDM deliverable classification

Issue Purpose - Represents the purpose for which package was issued (for example: "For Approval", "For Reply", "For Information")

Receiver Organization Name - Represents the name of the organization which was receiving the packages

Receiver User Email - Represents the email address of the user who was receiving the packages

Sender Organization Name - Represents the name of the organization which was sending the packages

Sender User Email - Represents the email address of the user who was sending the packages

PWDM Submittal Document Ongoing Tasks

Table represents submittal document awaiting actions and its durations.

Average Submittal Duration - Represents a calculated value of average waiting duration for a submittal document ongoing task

Awaiting Action - Represents an awaiting action on a document (for example: "Awaiting Accept / Reject", "Awaiting Reissue", "Awaiting Resubmission")

PWDM Transmittal Document Ongoing Tasks

Table represents transmittal document awaiting actions and its durations.

Average Submittal Duration - Represents a calculated value of average waiting duration for a transmittal document ongoing task

Awaiting Action - Represents an awaiting action on a document (for example: "Awaiting Accept / Reject", "Awaiting Reissue", "Awaiting Resubmission").

PWDM Submittal Issued Document Versions

Table represents submittal package document versions.

Acceptance Status - Represents the current status of the package (for example: "Accepted", "No response required", "Package recalled", "Package rejected")

Description - Represents the description of the issued document

Document Code/Number - Represents a value of unique document identifier that stays the same in all issued versions of the same document

Issue Date - Represents the date when the document version was issued

Issue Purpose - Represents the purpose for which package was issued (for example: "For Approval", "For Reply", "For Information")

Issued Document Name - Represents the name of issued document

Last Response Date - Represents the last time document was responded

Package ID - Represents the unique package identifier

Package Name - Represents the name of the package

State - Represents the state of the issued document

Version - Represents the version of the issued document retrieved from PWDM attributes (Version, Rev/Ver, Revision, or Revision Info)

Web Link - Represents a link to a project in PWDM

PWDM Transmittal Issued Document Versions

Table represents transmittal package document versions.

Acceptance Status - Represents the current status of the package (for example: "Accepted", "No response required", "Package recalled", "Package rejected")

Description - Represents the description of the issued document

Document Code/Number - Represents a value of unique document identifier that stays the same in all issued versions of the same document

Issue Date - Represents the date when the document version was issued

Issue Purpose - Represents the purpose for which package was issued (for example: "For Approval", "For Reply", "For Information")

Issued Document Name - Represents the name of issued document

Last Response Date - Represents the last time document was responded

Package ID - Represents the unique package identifier

Package Name - Represents the name of the package

State - Represents the state of the issued document

Version - Represents the version of the issued document retrieved from PWDM attributes (Version, Rev/Ver, Revision, or Revision Info)

Web Link - Represents a link to a project in PWDM

PWDM Project Timeline

Daily Submittal Document Count - Represents a count of submittal documents on a specific day

Daily Transmittal Document Count - Represents a count of transmittal documents on a specific day

Project Day - Represents the project day

PWDI Document Calculated Metrics

Present Document Count - Represents a constant value of 1 per document, used to count the documents

PWDI Document Workflow States

Table represents document workflow states that can be used to filter the documents

Order Number - Represents the order of the workflow state

State Name - Represents the name of a user specified document workflow state

PWDI Documents

Approver - Represents the name of a document approver

Checker - Represents the name of a document checker

Client - Represents the name of client organization

Completed Label - Either "Completed" or "Pending"

Designer - Represents the name of the designer who is assigned to the document

Discipline Hierarchy - Represents the hierarchy of discipline and subdiscipline values (for example: "Planning", "Environmental", "Drainage", "Civil")

Discipline - Represents the discipline of a document

Subdiscipline - Represents the subdiscipline of a document

Discipline Lane - Represents the lane of a discipline that is used to determine what discipline lanes to show in a "By Discipline" dashboards page

Document Guid - Represents unique document identifier

Document Name - Represents the name of the document

Document Type Hierarchy - Represents the hierarchy of document type and subtype values

Document Type - Represents the type of a document

Document Subtype - Represents the subtype of a document

Effective Due Date - If due date is in the past effective due date is today. Otherwise it is the due date.

Effective Due Date (bins) - Effective Due Date grouped by week

File Size - Represents the size of a document

Filter out Value - Represents a value which can be used to filter document

Hours Locked - Represents number of hours document was locked

Is Complete - True if document is complete

Is Due Before Today - True if the due date of the document is earlier than today

Latency - Applicable for completed documents only. Indicates the time a document was completed early or late.

Latency Color - Color codes for Latency

Location Hierarchy - Represents the hierarchy of location and sublocation values

Locations - Represents the location of a document

Sublocation - Represents the sublocation of a document

Locked By - Represents the email address of a user who locked the document

Package - Represents the name of the package

ProjectId - Represents the unique project identifier

Suitability - Represents the suitability of a document (for example: "Fit for Stage Approval", "Initial Status or WIP", "Fit for Internal Review & Comment")

Task Completed Date - The date when the document was marked as complete

Task Due Date - The date when the document is due

Task Due Date (bins) - Task Due Date grouped by week

Task ID Hierarchy - Identifier for Task and Subtask

Task Latency Order - Numeric representation of Latency

Task Name - Readable task identifier

Task Urgency Order - Numeric representation of Urgency

Urgency - Applicable for not completed documents only. Indicates the time a document has left until due or how far after due date it is.

Urgency Color - Color codes for Urgency

Workflow - Represents the workflow which document belongs to

Your Custom Dimension1 - Represents custom created dimension

Your Custom Dimension2 - Represents custom created dimension

Your Custom Dimension3 - Represents custom created dimension

Your Custom Dimension4 - Represents custom created dimension

Your Custom Dimension5 - Represents custom created dimension

PWDI Document Plan Deltas

All Completed Documents running total - Count of completed documents (filters removed) as running total over time

Completed Delta - 1 if the document was completed on the corresponding date

Completed Documents % running total - Percentage of completed documents of planned documents as running total

Completed Documents running total - Count of completed documents as running total over time

DayId - Reference field to PWDI Project Timeline

DocId - Document Id from ProjectWise

Due Delta - 1 if the document was due on the corresponding date

Due Documents running total - Count of due documents as running total over time

PWDI Task Plan Deltas

All Completed Tasks running total - Count of completed tasks (filters removed) as running total over time

Completed Delta - 1 if the task was completed on the corresponding date

Completed Tasks % running total - Percentage of completed tasks of planned task as running total

Completed Tasks running total - Count of completed tasks as running total over time

DayId - Reference field to PWDI Project Timeline

Due Delta - 1 if the task was due on the corresponding date

Due Task running total - Count of due task as running total over time

Task ID - Task Id from ProjectWise

PWDI Tasks

Completed Label - Either "Completed" or "Pending"

Effective Task Due Date - If due date is in the past effective due date is today. Otherwise it is the due date.

Effective Task Due Date (bins) - Effective Task Due Date grouped by week

Is Complete - True if task is complete. A task is considered complete if all documents are complete.

Task Completed Date - Date when the task was completed

Task Due Date - Date when the task is due

Task Due Date (bins) - Task Due Date grouped by week

Task ID - Identifier for the task

Task Latency - Applicable for completed tasks only. Indicates the time a task was completed early or late.

Task Latency Color - Color codes for Task Latency

Task Latency Order - Numeric representation of Latency

Task Urgency - Applicable for not completed documents only. Indicates the time a document has left until due or how far after due date it is.

Task Urgency Color - Color codes for Urgency

Task Urgency Order - Numeric representation of Urgency

PWDI Project Timeline

Daily Document Count - Represents a count of documents on a specific day

Project Day - Represents the project day